2023 Directors

2024 Board of Directors     L-R:  Penny Boldt, Megan Mckay, Riesa Kyne, Erin Barisoff, Tanya Thompson, Simone Tellier, Duell Thomson, Ange DeBryun, Shane Thomson, Marlieke Adams, Barb Bodholdt,  Shanna Jager


 Director meetings are held at 7pm on the first Monday of each month, unless otherwise noted.  Please contact the office for current meeting location.

2023 Chilliwack Riding Club Directors

Riesa Kyne - President, Media, Goodwill                                  chilliwackridingclub@gmail.com

Barb Bodholdt - Vice President, Speed Event, Prizes

Simone Tellier -  Treasurer

Tanya Thompson - Secretary, Memberships

Megan McKay - Bookings

Penny Boldt - Inventory, Archives

Shanna Jager - Trail Rides/Coordinator

Erin Barisoff-Harris - Director at Large

Niki Freeman - Director at Large

Gymkhana - all (email for details)

Social:  We are looking to you, members, to help plan and organize social events!  Check your email for upcoming information and event updates.

Contact Us